It is simple the world is full of varieties and mutiplicity. The plants, trees, nonliving things, animals, human beings, air, soil, stone and etc etc.
The science believes in matter and body that is a combination of chemicals. The people who have faith in spirituality believe and see soul in even nonliving things. They think everything is changing and they are also dying in course of time.
The material people simply analysis that birth, death and life are products of matter and chemicals, and they do not exist beyond death. Hoever, spiritual people believe in eternity and it never ends, remains existing in the universe in any form and goes on and goes on.
I cannot say who is wrong or right but I feel ached when others beat me. I cannot tolerate as they torture and trouble me. I feel sad while they hurt me. I feel destroyed when they damage my toys with who I enjoy playing and spending life like a child. I feel shattered when they destruct and devastate my works and plans of life for their own problems.
I feel so and so because I am also a human being. Other living beings might feel similiar to me whether they speak or not. I can speak in my language...it may be that plants, insects, and animals also express their griefs and pains but we are not able to understand their language and feelings.
So I cannot say when and where my wounds ache...never ask me again about it after you axe, hammer, beat, cut, bite, hurt and destroy me...because let me live in my own way in pains and tears, which please me and nurture my rights and freedom to live without harming and hurting others.