Monday, September 1, 2008

Can You Win the Fifth Grader?

Aug 19, '08

Think Positively?!

A Fifth Grader: If nobody marries my sister, is it my problem or yours??????????

A Fourth Grader: Please, answer me & think depends on your attitude...

A Third Grader: Are you smarter than the fifth grader? [Like in the TV reality show.]

A Fifth Grader: No, however powerful you are, you failed to search a man for your second sister...and you are still following me from behind the curtain in many disguises and you still claim that you are great...if you don't have any problem, why are you still following me in my whole life? you think you are great but others think you are selfish, mean and coward....but i still think you are great and good ...i bow down on your feet for your will be greatest if you invite me in your second sister's marriage ceremony....i am waiting for this....because i am dog and hungry, i will eat thrown food stuff in the party.....................
...................i respect and honor you too much............

All of them asked a journalist named Sonya Bhadra Sharma (name-changed for protecting his rights to individuality).


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