Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am tired of living!

Dec 27, '07

Side Effect!?

There was a conflict between two men.The conflict was the matter of existence, self esteem and human rights, and freedom. One of them was torturing, troubling, harming and destroying everything what he could and knew by following with extreme meanness. He used to deploy others, even unknown to the next one, to torture the next one on any way on the way.

The Unknown on the way told the victimized: There is only one way to escape the torture or tackle the troubles.

Victimized: What is that?
Unknown: If you want to be safe from troubles, tortures and harms (suicide), get married immediately. If you want to get rid of marriage, commit suicide.

The victimized decided to kill himself being frustrated and went to a pharmacy to buy suicidal medicine.
Seller: Can I help you, please?
Victimized: I want to commit suicide. Can you help me, please?
Seller: What can I do?
Victimized: Give me such medicine [poison] that has no side effects but kills me without any side effects. Because I want to be healthy after committing suicide.


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